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Who We Are

Our Beliefs

1. The Bible

We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant forever settled Word of God. That it is the Divinely authoritative standard for every age and every life.

2. God the Father

We believe in one God that eternally exists and reveals Himself in three Persons. He is absolute and sole Creator and sustainer of the universe.

3. God the Son

We believe that Jesus Christ is fully God. That He was born of a virgin in human form. That He revealed the Father in His earthly ministry. That He is perfect theology and the lens through which His written Word is understood. That He died on a cross to bring humanity back into relationship with His Father. That He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven in bodily form. That He will return to earth at the fullness of the times to claim His bride and judge the world.

4. God the Holy Spirit

We believe that Holy Spirit is a person and is fully God. He indwells believers at the moment of their faith conversion. That He fills and ministers to and through saints as they yield to Him in faith and obedience.

5. Man

We believe that man was created in the image of God. That he fell from his original created glory through sin. That through sin mankind inherited a sinful nature and was separated from God. That mankind is utterly unable to redeem himself back to his Creator through his own effort.

6. Salvation

We believe that salvation is a gift from God and received by man through faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross.

7. The Church

We believe that the true church is composed of all people who are born again by the Spirit of God through saving faith in Jesus Christ. That Christ alone is the Head of the church. That He alone commissions and leads the church in its God ordained mission through all the ages.

8. The Second Coming

We believe in the personal, and eminent coming of Jesus Christ back to the earth. We believe that at His return He will judge all of humanity separating people “as a shepherd separates his sheep from the goats”. The redeemed will be ushered into eternal glory with Him and those who have rejected His salvation into eternal punishment.

Our beliefs are the foundation of who we believe God is and who we are as a church and are integral to the governance of our church. Click here to download a copy of our Constitution and Bylaws.


1. Prayer

Prayer is one of the most powerful gifts God has given to us. It is, coincidentally, one of the most important things for you spiritually, but also for our church. Each day when you get into your quite time with the Lord, please pray for our church and that His Spirit lead us in all of our ministries. Pray that God use His church to reach and love on those who are broken, lonely in heart, weak, and in need of a Savior. Pray that God be honored, praised, and glorified always in His church. And please, pray for our pastors and ministry leaders that they faithfully follow God wherever He leads with boldness and confidence.

2. Volunteering

As our church grows, we have many more needs. From volunteering in the nursery (you get bonus points for that!) to joining the prayer team, there are many ways we would love to use your gifts and talents to further God's Kingdom at Grace Chapel. Please visit our ministry pages to find out more about how you can get involved!

3. Giving

We have many different opportunities to support the ministries that the Lord is leading us in!


If you attend our services, you can give to Grace Chapel in-person at the end of each service. Our ushers will be there to pray with you and receive your offering.


Please be sure, however, that if you give in cash that include your giving in an envelope with your name, address, and phone number so we can ensure it appears on your giving statement at the end of the year.


If you are one of our brothers or sisters that are unable to make it into service but still wish to give to Grace Chapel, you can mail your giving to the church to our PO Box:

Grace Chapel PO Box 926, Graham, NC 27253


If you prefer to use your debit/credit card or bank to give electronically, then please register and use our online giving platform Any giving through your account will sync with giving we have already recorded in Church Center.


Please note: Your account is a separate account from your Grace Chapel Church Center account. When setting up your account, please use the same phone number and email address as you have in your Church Center account. This will ensure that your giving is properly tied to your Church Center account.​​

Download the Tithely app for your mobile device:


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Each year our members have the responsibility to review and approve our budget for Grace Chapel. By clicking below, you can download the latest approved budget for Grace Chapel.

Have more questions about Grace Chapel? We would love to answer them!

​Sunday - 9 & 11 am

Wednesday - 7pm

​​2451 Eric Lane

Suite 101

Burlington, NC 27215​

©2024 Grace Chapel NC

​PO Box 926

Graham, NC 27253

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